Chasm worlds

A tribute to the Hitchhiker’s Guide series

The humourous universe of the Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, and the characters therein. There are occasionally puzzles to solve that may require the use of nearby items. [style: Douglas Adams; conversational; game of the year; Infocom; show, don’t tell]

Served at:

chasm_server = "tcp://"

A tribute to Hemingway

The world of Hemingway’s book, ‘The Sun also Rises’, and the characters therein. There are occasionally puzzles to solve that may require the use of nearby items. [style: Hemingway, conversational, show, don’t tell]

Served at:

chasm_server = "tcp://"

London meets the Underworld

The setting is 1920’s London, especially southwest, like Barnes, Putney or Richmond. The Thames is nearby. There are many buildings specific to the area. A few creatures have escaped from the Underworld. There are occasionally challenging puzzles to solve that may require the use of nearby items. [genre: gritty, realist urban fiction, outrageous comedy] [style: terse; game of the year; Infocom adventure; show, don’t tell]

Served at:

chasm_server = "tcp://"

Pirate world

[age rating: 10-16] An adventure game set in a pirate world. [style: immersive, conversational, award-winning]